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Douglas Newby
Architecturally Significant Homes
Horse & Trolly

Porch by Park

There are many enticing environments and views. One of my favorites is looking into the tops of trees. I am not fond of heights, so the idea of climbing a sequoia 500 feet to explore a whole different ecosystem is something beyond my physical and mental capability. However, the sense of living within the architecture of trees is romantically primordial. Fluttering leaves, swaying branches, large and small birds swooping in and out, and wildlife cavorting brings a special appreciation of life. Of course, as sailors know, the higher up the sail, the stronger the wind. On a still day, balconies still enjoy cooling breezes and especially when they are filtered by a surrounding forest. *Porch by Park
#Balcony #Park #Arbor #Breeze #Forest #WhiteRockLake #ArboretumPoint #Nature #Dallas #DallasNeighborhood #Architecture #porch #Architecture

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