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Douglas Newby
Architecturally Significant Homes
Horse & Trolly

100 Best Past Architects

The Architectural Lineage of Great Architects Influences Today's Design

Douglas Newby is known for his broad knowledge of Dallas-area historic homes.

-Dallas Morning News Real Estate Editor, Steve Brown

National award-winning Realtor Douglas Newby identifies the best 100 Dallas architects who have left their architectural mark on Dallas. These significant Dallas architects may be living and not practicing or deceased, but in either case have designed an important body of work that we continue to enjoy.

Douglas Newby has also selected 100 best practicing architects for you to learn about and to possibly design an architecturally significant home for you.

Dear Douglas:

I am glad there is at least one person in Dallas who appreciates our architectural heritage and is endeavoring to preserve it.

Thank you so much.

Yours very truly,
Henry Gilchrist

After retaining Douglas Newby, in a few hours, you will save 100 hours on unproductive searches.